Donna & Andy on Tour

Donna & Andy Celebrate 25 Years of FFun Music-Making

In May and June 2023, we toured from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast (Canada) and the North West Territories. We were excited to see our great Canadian landscape and perform in schools, vocal studios, kitchen parties and many other venues along the way. We connected with fellow music-makers wherever and whenever possible. We had so much fun during our cross-Canada tour.

Learn more about Donna & Andy concerts in Elementary Schools

Tour Dates 2024


Donna & Andy in Concert

Jan 25 (Thurs)

Sackville Heights Elementary School - Middle Sackville, NS

2 concerts for K-6 students and staff


Kids song - Podering Penguins - The Penguin Line Dance song - Donna & Andy

May 1-5

ECMA (East Coast Music Awards) conference - Charlottetown, PE

Donna & Andy are nominated for "Children's Entertainer of the Year"

Donna & Andy's CD submission for this nomination "A Jolly Bunch are We". Stream and download here.

Donna & Andy - accordion and guitar - in concert

May 29 (Wed)

Kentville Farmers Market - Kentville, NS

9:00 am - noon - everyone welcome!


Memberships by performing duo Donna & Andy

June 25 (Tuesday)

Enfield District School - Enfield, NS

Concert for K-6 students and staff

Kids song - Podering Penguins - The Penguin Line Dance song - Donna & Andy

June 26 (Wednesday)

Kings County Academy (KCA) - Kentville, NS

Concert for K-6 students and staff


Donna & Andy in concert

July 1 (Mon)

Canada Day - Bridgewater, NS

Free concert - 1:00 pm - everyone welcome! 

Donna & Andy in Hong Kong

July 17 (Mon)

Kentville Farmers Market - Kentville, NS

9:00 till noon - everyone welcome!

Donna & Andy - Pirate children - Mahone Bay Scarecrow Festival

July 24 (Wed)

South Shore Exhibition - Bridgewater, NS

Kids Day - 2 free concerts - 1:45  & 4:15 pm - everyone welcome!


Donna & Andy - Garden Party - Chester Nova Scotia

Aug 14 (Wed)

Kentville Farmers Market - Kentville, NS

9:00 am - noon - everyone welcome! 

Donna & Andy in concert

Aug 31 (Sat)

Canning Kitchen Party - Canning, NS

1:00 - everyone welcome! 


Donna & Andy - Garden Party - Chester NS

Sept 12 (Thurs)

Kingston Farmers Market - Kingston, NS

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm - everyone welcome!


Donna Rhodenizer with NSMEA peeps

Donna Rhodenizer with NSMEA peeps

Oct 25 (Fri)

NSMEA (Nova Scotia Music Educators Association) Conference


KIds having fun during Donna & Andy performance

Nov 7-10

Aldershot Elementary School - Kentville, NS

School concert for P-6 students and staff.

Donna & Andy - with ugly stick - in concert

Nov 7

Bridgetown Regional Community School - Bridgetown, NS

School concert for P-6 students and staff.

Donna & Andy - 2024 Music Nova Scotia Awards nominee - Children's Artis of the Year

Nov 7-10

Nova Scotia Music Week (Music Nova Scotia Awards) - Wolfville, NS


Memberships by performing duo Donna & Andy

Tour Dates 2023

May - in Ontario, BC, Yellowknife, Alberta

The "Can't Wait 'til I'm Older" Blues - song composed by Donna Rhodenizer - artwork by Richard Bennett

May 2 (Tues)

Dr. F.J. McDonald Catholic School - Ottawa, ON

Afternoon concert for K-6 students and staff

Donna & Andy in concert - Hong Kong

May 3 (Wed)

Burnham Public School - Coburg, ON

Morning concert for K-6 students and staff

C.R. Gummow Public School - Coburg, ON

Afternoon concert for 560 K-6 students and staff

Donna & Andy in Concert

May 4 (Thurs)

North Hope Central Public School - Garden Hill, ON

Noon concert for K-6 students and staff

Pop Up Choir - Port Hope, ON

Afternoon choir workshop

Concert - Port Hope United Church, ON

6:30 pm  - view/print poster

Donna & Andy - accordion and guitar - in concert

May 5 (Fri)

Newcastle Public School - Newcastle, ON

Afternoon concert for K-2 students and staff

House Concert - evening - Bailieboro, ON

Donna & Andy

May 14 (Sun)

House Concert - evening - Salmon Arm, BC

Concert in action - KCA 2011

May 16 (Tues)

Carnarvon School - Vancouver, BC

Afternoon concert for K-7 students and staff

Donna & Andy - Celebrate 25 years

May 17 (Wed)

Fernwood Elementary School - Salt Spring Is., BC

Afternoon concert for K-7 students and staff

Donna & Andy - Garden Party - Chester Nova Scotia

May 18 (Thurs)

Salt Spring Elementary School - Salt Spring Is., BC

Afternoon concert for K-7 students and staff

Kitchen Party/House Concert - Salt Spring Is., BC

Evening concert for invited guests

Donna & Andy - accordion and guitar at Upper Clements Park

May 21 (Sun)

Coffee House Concert - The Den - Quesnel, BC

2-4 pm - Everyone Welcome (Young and Young at heart) - donation at the door - view/print poster

Donna Rhodenizer - teaching elementary music students

May 22 (Mon)

Master Class - Prince George, BC

Robin Norman Voice Studio

Kids song - Podering Penguins - The Penguin Line Dance song - Donna & Andy

May 23 (Tues)

La Glace School - La Glace, AB

Afternoon concert for K-6 students and staff

Lets play the ugly stick and wash board and spoons - Donna & Andy

May 26 (Fri)

N.J. MacPherson School - Yellowknife, NT

Afternoon concert for K-6 students and staff

Donna Rhodenizer - teaching music outdoors

May 31 (Wed)

Hazeldean School - Edmonton, AB

Afternoon concert for JK-6 students and staff

June - in Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick

Donna & Andy in concert - Hong Kong

June 1 (Thurs)

Lochearn Elementary School - Rocky Mountain House, AB

Afternoon concert for 350 K-6 students and staff

Kids song - Podering Penguins - The Penguin Line Dance song - Donna & Andy

June 2 (Fri)

St. Elizabeth Seton School - Red Deer, AB

Afternoon concert for 350 K-5 students and staff

Donna & Andy

June 4 (Sun)

Capstone Cabaret - Red Deer, AB

11:00 - 1:30 concert - Donna Rhodenizer & Andy Duinker - Maritime Music

Golden Circle - Red Deer, AB

7:30 concert - Donna Rhodenizer & Andy Duinker - Maritime Music - view/print poster

Donna & Andy - accordion and guitar - in concert

June 12 (Mon)

North Perth Westfield Public School - Listowel, ON

Afternoon concert for 350 K-5 students and staff

Kids song - Podering Penguins - The Penguin Line Dance song - Donna & Andy

June 14 (Wed)

École Westfield School - Westfield, NB

Morning concert for 300 K-5 students and staff

St. John the Baptist/King Edward School - Saint John, NB

Afternoon concert for 250 K-4 students and staff

A peguin song with lots of actions - Donna Rhodenizer

June 15 (Thurs)

Back Bay Elementary School - Back Bay, NB

Afternoon concert for 50 JK-5 students and staff

KIds having fun during Donna & Andy performance

June 16 (Fri)

Dr. A.T. Leatherbarrow Primary School - Hampton, NB

Afternoon concert for 200 JK-2 students and staff


Donna & Andy in concert

July 22 (Sat)

Parrsboro Band Day - Bandstand Parrsboro, NS

Free concert - 2:00 - everyone welcome! 

Sorry - Donna & Andy couldn't get to this performance due to flood water restrictions.

Donna & Andy in Hong Kong

July 26 (Wed)

South Shore Exhibition - Bridgewater, NS

Kids Day - 2 free concerts - 1:45  & 4:15 pm - everyone welcome! 


Donna & Andy - Garden Party - Chester Nova Scotia

Aug 23 (Wed)

Kentville Farm Market - Kentville, NS

9:00 am - noon - everyone welcome! 


Donna & Andy - Garden Party - Chester NS

Sept 07 (Thurs)

Kingston Farmers Market - Kingston, NS

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm - everyone welcome! 


Donna & Andy in concert

Oct 14 (Sat)

Wolfville Farmers' Market - Wolfville, NS

9:00 am - 1:00 pm - everyone welcome! 

Donna Rhodenizer with NSMEA peeps

Donna Rhodenizer with NSMEA peeps

Oct 27 (Fri)

NSMEA (Nova Scotia Music Educators Association) Conference - Windsor, NS

2 presentations for elementary music educators 


Donna & Andy - Fishermans museum of the atlantic

Nov 17 (Fri)

Kings Riverside Court - Kentville, NS

12:30 pm - performance of Maritime repertoire for seniors and guests.

KIds having fun during Donna & Andy performance

Nov 20 (Mon)

École St. Catherine's School - Halifax, NS

9:00 am - 2 performances for JK-6 students and staff. 


Acadia Alumni - Holiday Skate and Carol Sing - music by Donna & Andy

Dec 3 (Sunday)

Acadia - Holiday Skate and Carol Sing 2023 - Wolfville, NS

Carol singing with all in attendance.

Memberships by performing duo Donna & Andy

Dec 7 (Thursday)

Evelyn Richardson Memorial Elementary School - Shag Harbour, NS

Afternoon performance for P-6 students and staff.

Donna & Andy - music performance - on stage

Dec 8 (Friday)

Forest Ridge Academy - Barrington, NS

Afternoon performance for P-6 students and staff.

We are Touring The Maritimes, Canada 

Sept 2024 - June, 2025! 

Send us a message if you would like us to come and visit you!

Ask us about Performances in Schools and Teacher Workshops

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