French Songs

Print Music & Audio

Ressources Françaises - Donna Rhodenizer

La vie pour moi - Recueil de Chansons

12 original songs written by Donna Rhodenizer and Andy Duinker. The companion CD was the winner of an East Coast Music Award and Music Nova Scotia Award. Musical styles include blues, jazz, classical and even a cha cha cha. 

A variety of skill levels for singers ages 5-12+.

Perfect for school concerts, studio recitals, solos, public performances or enjoyment at home!

All songs have a vocal score, full accompaniment/director's score and separate lyrics pages. 

View sample pages.

Student pages are reproducible.

Print Book includes CD (12 performance and 12 accompaniment/backing tracks)

Song titles:

1. La vie du pirate 

2. Édouard le dragon invisible

3. Je voudrais devenir un ours

4. Le chat d’ordi

5. Un foyer pour mon dinosaure

6. La parade des pingouins

7. Le bal des pingouins

8. La danse Cha Cha Cha

9. Ma petite valise

10. En vacances

11. Une traversée

12. Nous sommes les  enfants du monde

La vie pour moi CD - by Donna & Andy

C'est Noël

Enjoy this collection of French songs from the bilingual collection "It's Christmas Time" composed by Donna Rhodenizer. 

A variety of skill levels for singers from ages 5-12+.

Perfect for school concerts, studio recitals, solos, public performances or enjoyment at home!

All songs have a vocal score, full accompaniment/director's score and separate lyrics pages. 

View sample pages.

Student pages are reproducible.

Print Book includes CD (10 performance and 10 accompaniment/backing tracks)

Song titles:

1. Noël s'en vient

2. Deo

3. Étoile du ciel 

4. Chante "Gloria!"

5. Une seule voix

7. Père Noël, j'étais gentil

8. Père Noël

9. J'attends Père Noël

10. L'alphabet de Noël

11. Joyfull Bells (cloches à main)

C'est Noel - CD

Also available on Amazon (CD’s not included)

C'est Noel - CD

$42.50 CAD

This print book is bilingual (English / French). All tunes are in English and French as well as 2 CDs (one CD in English and one in French). Access English audio tracks here. 

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