5 Valentine Singing Games


Valentines Day is a great time to sing songs about sending and receiving messages. The five singing games in this package cover a mix of grade levels from Kindergarten to upper elementary. These singing games are a great way to work on internalizing melodic concepts and refining pitch, singing in a fun context, and working on rhythmic concepts.

Valentine Mystery is a 3-note song using the tone set s-m-l. It is short and simple to accommodate young developing singers (K-1). Students sing a short verse as a class before someone is selected to be the solo mystery singer.

Guess Who focuses on individual singing for students in grade 1-3. Within a narrow range of a fifth, students sing easily accessible do-mi-so and so-mi intervals as well as step-wise phrases incorporating s-f-m-r-d. The “game” includes passing a valentine like a hot potato with the last person singing “Guess who” (using a s-m interval) as a solo. Students love guessing who the mystery singer is.

Valentine Name Game – This individual singing/name-guessing game moves within a range of a sixth and step-wise motion throughout most of the song. The final bar is a s-m, individual response and the opportunity for students to guess the mystery singer. This is a fun activity for the students and a great chance for teachers to assess pitch-matching skills. An extension rhythm activity is included creating a challenge for students in upper elementary classes.

Be My Valentine contains a fun rhythmic challenge. The word “valentine” is spelled out and letters are eliminated one by one as multiple verses are sung. Students may choose which letters to eliminate for each verse, creating a different rhythmic challenge every time the song is sung! This song works well with students in grades 2-3 (and even grade 4. My older students also request it!)

I Got a Letter is written for upper elementary students. The minor key creates a rich tonality and a complex melody for the singing part of the game. The end of this game involves reading or echoing rhythmic patterns. Teachers can change the rhythm pattern focus to tailor this singing game to a variety of skill levels.

All five songs have alternate non-Valentine lyrics so these singing games can be introduced as part of a Valentine theme and continue being used throughout the year.

Download Includes:

  • Valentine Mystery (song)
  • Guess Who (song)
  • Valentine Name Game (song)
  • Bonus: Valentine Name Game – Rhythm Challenge
  • Be My Valentine (song)
  • I Got a Letter (song)
  • Teaching Strategies

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5 Valentine Singing Games

Teacher Notes

Use singing games to create a play-based environment for students to explore using their singing voices.

Individual responses assist students developing pitch matching and singing in tune with others.

Singing games encourage multiple repetitions, an important factor in skill development.

When asking for individual responses: Model the pitch for their response, but allow the student to sing their response at whatever pitch is comfortable for them. After confidence and trust is established, the teacher may ask if a child can move their voice to match a pitch. If the pitch is matched, congratulate their effort. If not, ask the class which pitch was higher and which was lower. Without any judgement, the different pitches are labeled. This teaches students to listen for differences and gives them the vocabulary they need to label what they are hearing. The student who has responded should not feel any pressure or anxiety with this process, and the game continues.

Use fun singing games as a “treat” at the end of a music class. Singing games are a fun way of reviewing concepts that have been learned, or preparing new ones that have not yet been isolated and labeled.

See More Valentine Resources

Have a look at Valentine Rhythm Activity for young singers. 

More Tunes about Friendship and Love

More February repertoire suggestions - Songs about friends and love.

Review, free Download or Print!


Composer's Notes

Donna’s childhood valentine memories include making her own valentines to give to her friends, and remembering the spicy flavour of cinnamon hearts. Donna still loves the taste of cinnamon and she loves the fact that Valentine messages and hearts can create an opportunity for her students to develop their composing skills. Donna is enthusiastic about promoting creative manipulation of music elements (composing!) with students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Her personal composing efforts have resulted in well over 500 songs written for solo voice, choir, handbell, recorder, violin and piano.

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