
Ed the Invisible Dragon


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When an invisible dragon lives at your house, be prepared for things to get messy and broken and YOU will get the blame! Despite Ed’s messy ways, young singers LOVE singing about this invisible dragon.

The minor melody is contained within an octave and has a jaunty swing feel. The chorus spans only a fourth and becomes a stable foundation for the piece as a whole.

Once students have fallen in love with Ed the invisible dragon, he will “show up” at many (many!) lessons, concerts, recitals, festivals and wherever children are singing.

Ed the Invisible Dragon (verses 1, 3, and 4) is also included in the Royal Conservatory of Music Voice Series, 2019 Edition: Repertoire 2, List B : 20th and 21st century Repertoire.

Listen to the Donna & Andy performance track:

Download Includes:

  • Vocal score
  • Director/piano score
  • Lyrics
  • Accompaniment – with melody guide
  • Accompaniment – piano
  • Donna & Andy band – instrumental track
  • Donna & Andy – performance track
  • Ed For Education – 19 Cross-curricular Activities

Ed the Invisible Dragon

"Ed for Education"

Free Download

You are invited to download the complete Ed the Invisible Dragon package including 19 cross-curricular activities FREE when you use coupon code  EDFOREDUCATION  or  edforeducation  at checkout.

Free Download includes:

  • Vocal score
  • Director/piano score
  • Lyrics
  • Accompaniment – with melody guide
  • Accompaniment – piano
  • Donna & Andy band – instrumental track
  • Donna & Andy – performance track
  • Ed For Education – 19 Cross-curricular Activities


Audio & Lyrics

Follow along with the lyrics as you listen to the accompaniment + melody guide for Ed the Invisible Dragon.

Ed the Invisible Dragon - song composed by Donna Rhodenizer - Artwork by Richard Bennett

Part of a Song Collection

Ed the Invisible Dragon is one of 12 songs from the Juno-nominated song collection "Dinosaurs, Dragons and Me" Donna Rhodenizer has written these songs using a variety of styles including a lullaby/tango, bluegrass, blues and pop in a variety of skill levels for singers from ages 5-12+.

Learn more about this fun collection for elementary-aged kids, choirs and solo vocal students. The 122-page book provides the vocal score, full score and separate lyrics pages for 12 songs. Enjoy! 

Please note: audio tracks for the e-book version are sold separately. Print copies of the book include CD (24 tracks)

Performance videos

Ed the Invisible Dragon has been performed by thousands of young vocal students and elementary school students around the world. You can see performance videos further down this page. Enjoy!

Stream and Purchase Audio Tracks / CD

Stream or Purchase Ed the Invisible Dragon from many streaming sites including: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Deezer ...etc.

"Ed" is also available on the Donna & Andy CD Dinosaurs, Dragons and Me

Do an online search and find Ed the Invisible Dragon all over the internet.

Colouring Page - download

Download (pdf), print and have fun colouring this page while you listen to the song Ed the Invisible Dragon

Ed the Invisible Dragon - song composed by Donna Rhodenizer - Artwork by Richard Bennett

Composer's Notes

Ed the Invisible Dragon

I was blessed to be the mother of three boys. They were born two years apart, so when my third son was born I had three boys under the age of 4!  My small house was not often quiet, nor was it tidy, even with daily efforts to keep the boys and toys contained. However, my active sons were great inspiration for me as a composer and many stories and songs were created as entertainment for my own children. Ed the invisible dragon was inspired by my chaotic house. I would find the living room full of scattered Lego pieces and half-finished creations. The boys would be nowhere in sight, having gone off to another activity in another location. When I would round them up and inquire, “Who made this mess?” the inevitable answer from ALL three boys would be, “Not me, Mom.” At some point we determined that someone invisible must be living in our house making messes and leaving them behind. Ed the invisible dragon was born at that moment.

The topic of Ed would come up as we were driving somewhere as a family. We would discuss Ed and all the things he would do that might cause trouble. By the time I decided to introduce Ed and his escapades to my elementary music students there were many verses. I honed it down to the final four that became Ed’s legacy, and the first group of students who sang it loved it. After Ed was performed by my students, other teachers inquired about obtaining a copy of the music and in 1993, Ed the Invisible Dragon was published and presented as part of a song collection. He has been traveling around the world ever since. Just like my own boys, he has grown up, had adventures independently of me, and has found his own niche in the musical world. He is pretty young for a dragon and I expect he will be around for a very long time.

NOTE: Ed the Invisible Dragon is one of the first songs I wrote for my students when I began teaching elementary school music in the mid 1980s. The song was first published in 1993 - Ed is now over 30 years old! (Although 30 years is really not very old for a dragon!)

You're Invited

  • You are invited to send us your performance of Ed the Invisible Dragon. Maybe your video will be featured here on this page. 
  • Please drop by again and leave a Review of Ed the Invisible Dragon on this page. Thanks!

Included in this 

12 Song Collection

Dinosaurs, Dragons and Me - Songbook - by Donna & Andy

More Song Collections

3 Songbooks - by Donna Rhodenizer and Andy Duinker (Donna & Andy)

"Ed" is on this CD

Dinosaurs, Dragons and Me - CD

Here are a few of many

Ed the Invisible Dragon performances - Enjoy!

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Single User License, Classroom / Studio License, Treble Choir License


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Vocal Range

D4 – D5



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