Christmas Recipe
Follow along with the lyrics as you listen to the accompaniment with melody guide for Christmas Recipe
Advanced Melody
Simple Melody
Introducing the song
Introduce Christmas Recipe by discussing with students what they (and their families) do to prepare for Christmas.
This song has two verses with the second half of each verse using the same lyrics, providing singers with a longer song without adding a lot of words to memorize.
For young, emerging singers use the simple melody of Christmas Recipe.
The advanced melody for Christmas Recipe is more suited for elementary students who have had at least two years of music class singing experience, or for solo singers who are able to accurately match pitches and who are able to sing notes that are affected by accidentals.
Expressive Singing
Read the lyrics aloud before learning the melody.
Discuss words that will be emphasized to create an expressive performance.
What consonants need to be crisp and clearly enunciated to tell the story most effectively for the listening audience?
What dynamics or other musical contrasts can be added for the repeated rhyming words in the second half of the song?
Adding actions helps young singers remember the words and the sequence of events in a song. Actions for Christmas Recipe are provided with the lyrics in the PDF download
Christmas Recipe
I have always had to scramble to find songs for my “Littles” to sing for school Christmas concerts. With only a few months of school experience, they need a song with a simple melody because many of them are still struggling to match a pitch. They also need a song with lyrics that they can easily remember, preferably one that can be reinforced by adding actions. I decided I would write them a song for the concert and I needed a theme for the lyrics. I started thinking about preparing for the holiday season. Adults do shopping, baking and cleaning to prepare for the holiday season. A child also would have things to prepare: writing a letter to Santa, behaving really well, going to bed early, and listening to their parents. Christmas Recipe was the result of my thought process. I introduced the song to my students who learned to sing it and added actions for their performance in the school concert. Sometimes necessity is a good incentive for a composer to get to work and create a piece of music!
You are invited to send us your performance of Christmas Recipe.
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When you have enjoyed practicing and performing this song with your students - please drop by again and leave a review on this page. Thanks!
Composer, Elementary Music Specialist
Donna Rhodenizer
I have always loved the magic of the Christmas season. Some of my earliest performing memories are singing Christmas carols and taking part in the local church Christmas pageant (often directed by my mom). Trying to behave and excitedly anticipating the arrival of Christmas morning were also part of the family traditions. When my oldest sister was old enough to “supervise”, my siblings and I were allowed to creep downstairs (without waking sleeping parents) to find the treasures that had appeared in Christmas stockings overnight. However, this privilege came with the definite rule that no one was allowed to make the journey downstairs until after 6:00. Parents would show up at some point before breakfast (at 8:00) and then it was time for opening gifts that had been left under the tree.
I would like to point out that I am often on the “nice” list. As a young girl, I thought I had made it to the big-time, top-tier, reindeer list. My hopes were dashed when I realized that Santa called his reindeer “Donner” and not “Donna” as I had initially misunderstood it to be pronounced. To this day, “Donner” has a special place in my heart as my favourite reindeer.
I enjoy writing songs that reflect the happy feelings I associate with Christmas as a young girl. I have written many Christmas and winter songs over the years for my students as part of the school concert in December. My collection of Christmas songs is extensive and continues to grow as the season rolls around each year.
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