Royal Recorders 

Note-naming Worksheets

Royal Recorders - Note-naming Challenges

An important skill for a well-rounded musician is the ability to read notes. For young students who quickly learn by rote or by ear, note reading is a slow process.

Giving students note-naming worksheets helps develop their ability to recognize and identify notes by name. Consistent practice every day is a key factor. Note-naming challenges are provided as part of Royal Recorders as a fun challenge that is done often, rather than for long periods of time.

However - our note-naming worksheets can be used in any recorder program.

Teachers are encouraged to give students 2 minutes at the beginning of every class to do a 30-note or 60-note note-naming worksheet. Limiting the note-naming activity to 2 minutes (or 1 minute if students are up for that challenge!) keeps the activity from becoming frustrating for those for whom it is a slow, laborious process. The focus is on making individual improvement with each student working at their own skill level. There is no short cut to anchoring note names in the memory. Repetition over time is the key to improvement.

Note-naming worksheets are included in Royal Recorders Student Books 1 and 2 for practice at home. The same sheets are also provided in the Royal Recorders Teacher Guide. Teachers may print these note-naming worksheets for in-class use. There is no worry about giving a student the same version of a sheet they have done at home or in a previous class.

There are two or three note-naming challenges per sheet in 30-note or 60-note groupings. There are four note-naming worksheets introducing the notes G-A B for White, Yellow and Orange Knight levels. All other Knight levels have one 30-note sheet and one 60-note sheet. Teachers can print off and cut apart the worksheets for quick daily use with students. Accommodation can be made for students who are working at different levels. All students have a 2-minute time limit, but some students may be identifying only three notes while others have worksheets that include more notes.

At the end of each row of notes there is a boxed number to tally the number of successfully named notes in that row. There is also a box to indicate the final “score”. Keep a running record of the scores and let students know the improvement they are making, or let them know the personal score they are trying to beat. This is not intended to be a competition between students. Every student will be working at their own level.

Download the Note-naming Worksheets - click each image to download


Get ALL Note-naming Worksheets in One Document

Royal Recorders - Level 1-2-3 White-Yellow-Orange - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 4 - Green - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 5 - Purple - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 6 - Turquoise - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 7 - Blue - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 8 - Red - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 9 - Pink - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 10 - Brown - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 11 - Black - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 12 - Silver - Note-naming Challenges
Royal Recorders - Level 13 - Gold - Note-naming Challenges

All Note-naming Worksheets in One Document

Get all Note-naming Worksheets in one document. 24 pages covering all notes in the Royal Recorders program (levels 1-13). These note-naming sheets can be used for any/all recorder program(s).

Download and print individual pages for students for each level in which they are working.

Click Image to download

Royal Recorders - "All for One and One for All" - Note-naming Challenges

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Donna Rhodenizer and Royal Recorders student

Composer, Elementary Music Specialist

Donna Rhodenizer

When Donna was taking piano lessons she had a page of notes to name every day between seeing her piano teacher for her weekly lesson. Although it seemed like a tedious and arduous task, this activity helped anchor the note names Donna has continued to use as she plays piano, violin, accordion, recorder, ukulele, pipe organ, handbells, and as a singer!

A person doesn’t  need to be able to read notes to be a musician, but including that skill in your musical “tool box” opens the door to a wider variety of musical opportunities. It is easier to include learning the note names as part of the early learning process and then adding more and more skills along the way with a good foundation in place. Donna remembers finding note-naming sheets boring, but she is happy she took the time to do them. Perhaps if there had been a one-minute challenge to the activity it might have made it more appealing!