It’s a Busy, Busy Time of Year


It’s a Busy, Busy Time of Year captures the sentiment that everyone is “so busy!” as we prepare for the holiday season. The song opens with a phone conversation between two friends. Although they would like to get together to visit, both of them are too busy! As they go their respective ways, the melody breaks into a rousing show tune style that keeps the toes tapping and singers occupied with lots of busy lyrics!

Created for a grade 4-5 elementary school class, It’s a Busy, Busy Time of Year captures the busy feeling of the season, the excitement of shopping and preparing, and it even includes an instrumental section so a drama element can be thrown into the mix. Once students have learned to successfully navigate the tricky, repetitious words, the repetition helps memorization of the song to go quickly.

Download Includes:

  • Vocal score
  • Lead sheet
  • Director/piano score
  • Lyrics
  • Accompaniment – with melody guide
  • Accompaniment – piano

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It's a Busy, Busy Time of Year

by Donna Rhodenizer

Audio & Lyrics

Follow along with the lyrics as you listen to the accompaniment with melody guide for It’s a Busy, Busy Time of Year

It's a Busy, Busy Time of Year - Song Composed by Donna Rhodenizer - lyrics - SAMPLE

Performance Tips

Add brightly coloured presents to your performance. We used one gift for every three students. The gifts were hidden behind their backs while singing the opening of the song. During the instrumental section, students revealed their hidden gifts, passing them from row to row while miming their excitement at seeing friends and exchanging presents. It is a great way to include a bit of drama to a performance, and it lengthens the song without requiring a lot of additional words!

Instead of including gift passing, add some movement to the instrumental section – quiet stepping, scarves, or hand movements.

For the performance at my school, we began the song with two students “talking” to each other using two cans tied together with a string. This was an old game I used to play when I was young! The students thought it was a novel idea (in this day and age of texting!). Alternatively, two students could be chatting by cell phone for the opening sequence.

Add props such as hats and scarves, and some shopping bags filled with presents.

Composer's Notes

It’s a Busy, Busy Time of Year

I was driving and listening to the radio. Someone was being interviewed and the announcer thanked them for agreeing to give their time to do the interview at this “busy, busy time of year.” Later, in the same drive the announcer again said something about this “busy, busy time of year.” The phrase stuck in my head and when I arrived home I started to write this song. It can be very important to “stay tuned” to what is going on around you if you are going to write songs!

My song ended up with a show tune kind of vibe and I was excited to share it with my music students. We had fun trying to figure out the opening telephone sequence. The first detail we needed to clear up is whose voice we should hear first in the phone conversation. We realized that when the phone rings, the first person to speak is not the caller! After that, the back and forth conversation worked out okay. For our performance in the school concert we decided to add gift passing as part of the song. Students entered the performing space with small, colourfully wrapped presents hidden behind their backs. When we arrived at the instrumental section the students pretended to meet and greet friends, miming enthusiasm and passing gifts from row to row. They liked the bouncy tune, they enjoyed being able to add some drama, and the song was a hit!

You Are Invited

You are invited to send us your performance of It’s a Busy, Busy Time of Year.

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When you have enjoyed practicing and performing this song with your students - please drop by again and leave a review on this page. Thanks!

Donna Rhodenizer - Christmas 1977

Composer, Elementary Music Specialist, Performer

Donna Rhodenizer

Donna has invested her creative energy into dozens of school Christmas concerts during her 37 years as an elementary music education specialist. While regular folks at home were putting up lights, decorating trees and wrapping presents, Donna's Decembers involved hanging giant snowflakes for gym decorations, moving sets of risers and sound gear from one end of the school to the other, and joyously teaching songs to her students to perform in the Christmas concert.

After school responsibilities concluded, there were family Christmas events - another flurry of activity! The busy pre-holiday season comes in many shapes and forms. Hopefully your activities bring you joy (and not stress) and you have time to relax and enjoy yourself at this busy, busy time of year!

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Vocal Range

A3 – D5




Donna Rhodenizer


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