Rap it Up to Go
Waiting Patiently for Santa is one of 12 songs from the song collection "It's Christmas Time". Donna Rhodenizer has written these songs in a variety of styles and skill levels for singers from ages 5-12+.
Learn more about this fun collection for elementary-aged kids, choirs and solo vocal students.
Purchase print copy from Amazon. (please note: audio tracks are not supplied with the Amazon version - stream all tracks here)

- Include bucket drumming, boomwhackers and other percussion instruments
- Add costumes
- Have a “guest” appearance by Santa as part of the performance
- Create images of presents, airplanes and elves to hold up during the performance for visual interest
- Ho Ho Ho signs can pop up and back down to accentuate the words
Rap it Up to Go
I had a grade 5 class of students who were not interested in singing. They were keen about other music class activities (rhythmic activities, handbells, and recorders) but they were not happy singers. As December concert time rolled around, it was obvious that I needed to offer them something within their comfort zone if they were going to enjoy being part of the all-school concert experience. There must be some advantage to having a composer for a music teacher. So, I created Rap it Up to Go for them and they had great fun learning the words and adding their own special flair to the presentation. I recall they dressed up in sunglasses and did their best to look very “cool” as part of the overall effect. They had fun, the audience loved it and we shared a positive music experience. Personally, I prefer the old-fashioned Christmas vibe, but I had my turn during my childhood. It is great to know that the spirit of Santa is not diminished by sharing him with younger generations in a new way.
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