
New Singing Games for Young Singers


Singing games are a foundational part of play-based music education for young singers. Whether in an elementary music classroom or a vocal studio, young singers enjoy activities that meet them where they are most comfortable, in a play-based environment where they are free to explore and learn.

Donna Rhodenizer has created new singing games for movement, exploring the voice and learning to sing in tune with others, preparing and labelling rhythmic and melodic elements and having fun while doing this foundational work.

Donna’s singing games combine her experience from a 35-year career as a music education specialist with a firm grounding in the Kodaly teaching method. She has created new singing games to replace older teaching songs that are no longer deemed appropriate in today’s classrooms. She infuses her singing games with musicality and a sense of fun.

Three collections provide singing games as follows:

  • Volume 1 – Grades K-1, ages 5-7 (12 songs – 41 pages)
  • Volume 2 – Grades 2-3, ages 7-9 (11 songs – 45 pages)
  • Volume 3 – Grades 4-5, ages 9-11 (10 songs – 42 pages)

This 3-book set is a valuable addition for the music library in elementary schools, vocal studios and homeschools where young singers are learning through singing games.

Vol. 1 – Download Includes:

  • Vocal scores
  • Lead sheets (selected songs)
  • Instructions
  • Teaching Tips

Vol. 2 & 3 – Download Includes:

  • Vocal scores
  • Lead sheets (selected songs)
  • Instructions
  • Teaching Tips
  • Letter Templates for Submarine Singing Game

3-book SET –  Download Includes:

  • Full set Volume 1, 2 & 3
  • Letter Templates for Submarine Singing Game

Letter Templates – Free Download Includes:

  • Letter Templates for 12 nine-letter words for Submarine Singing Game

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New Singing Games

for Young Singers

by Donna Rhodenizer 

Vol. 1 Grades K-1, ages 5-7

New Singing Games for Young Singers Vol. 1 Grades K-1, ages 5-7

Donna Rhodenizer has written twelve original singing games for Kindergarten and Grade 1 students, singers ages 5-7. These songs focus on the early skill development of emerging singers including galloping, action songs, fast and slow, as well as songs with simple tone sets (mainly s-m-l combinations). Individual singing opportunities are built into many of the singing games. Students have the opportunity to work on discerning differences in pitch and pitch matching, leading to singing in tune with others. All of the singing games provide young singers with a play-based learning experience, inherent to their innate learning style and crucial to their skill development. All songs include scores and game instructions, plus adaptations for small group and individual instruction.

Singing Games for Young Singers - composed by Donna Rhodenizer - Grades K-1

Vol. 2 Grades 2-3, ages 7-9

Donna Rhodenizer’s second volume of singing games focuses on singers in grades 2-3, ages 7-9. Eleven original singing games focus on providing practice for skills learned earlier and adding songs and skills with expanded tone sets and more complex rhythmic elements. Individual singing games are still a mainstay as students continue to hone their ability to sing in tune with others. Repetition is a key element of singing games, creating opportunity for internalizing musical concepts for labelling and practicing in future lessons. Games with movement, guessing games and even a few chasing options make these singing games interesting and motivating for students. All songs include scores and game instructions, plus adaptations for small group and individual instruction.

Singing Games for Young Singers - composed by Donna Rhodenizer - Grades 2-3

Vol. 3 Grades 4-5, ages 9-11

The third volume of Donna Rhodenizer’s singing games is created for singers in grades 4-5, ages 9-11. Ten original singing games delve into more complex musical elements such as minor tonalities, wider tone sets and complex rhythms. Singing games with individual responses include singing as well as rhythmic and melodic improvisation. Musical challenges for this age group are offered using a play-based learning style that creates a relaxed atmosphere for exploring and learning without pressure. All songs include scores and game instructions, plus adaptations for small group and individual instruction.

Singing Games for Young Singers - composed by Donna Rhodenizer - Grades 4-5

Print copies Available on Amazon 

Print copies are available on Amazon.

Go to Donna's Amazon Author Page to purchase your print copy.

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Composer's Notes

New Singing Games for Young Singers

My music classroom has been singing based from day one. Everything we did hinged on singing, and the best way to get kids to sing is to make it a game. Singing games were part of my music education courses and my approach was influenced by my training in the Kodaly teaching method, also founded on the use of singing games to teach concepts to children.

Over the years I have had certain singing games that I enjoyed sharing with my students. I knew they liked those particular games, it was exciting to play them, and they were motivated to participate. As time and political correctness became an issue in our classrooms, some of the singing games from decades (centuries?) ago began to come into question. Old singing games that were based on less than favourable past-times and ways of doing things began to be considered inappropriate and needed to be removed. Song context aside, the games that went with some of those songs were favourites of my students (and of mine as well) so I set about to create new songs that would fit the games that went with the old songs. I had collected quite a few singing games by the time I was chatting with Nikki Loney (Full Voice Music) about doing a question and answer online session with teachers about singing games. With my collection already started (sort of) it seemed like an opportune time to put together an official version of these songs.

What started out as a single collection across grade levels (K-5) started to get too large and unwieldy for a single book. We decided to split the book into K-2 and 3-5. Then THAT got too big so we revised and split the book into 3 volumes. Now there were not quite enough songs to make a reasonable sized book (in my estimation) so in addition to the songs I already had, I designed some new ones. Trying to figure out games that would work for each of the songs had us galloping, passing sticks to the beat, counting bars to match dance steps and having lots of fun! I also needed to think outside of my elementary classroom focus and create adaptations for singing games that could be used by private vocal teachers with small groups or just one student. That was a fun challenge!

I ended up writing six new songs in a week to insert into various age groupings. I was reminded of my days in the classroom when I needed songs for specific events and I ended up writing them. It was an intense, productive two weeks and I was exhausted but creatively energized by the whole process.

You're Invited

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New Singing Games - Vol. 1 - grade 1-2 (age 5-7)

New Singing Games - Vol. 2 - grade 2-3 (age 7-9)

New Singing Games - Vol. 3 - grade 4-5 (age 9-11)

More Singing Games

Return to store with D&A logo in door - Donna & - artwork by Richard Bennett

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New Singing Games

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Donna Rhodenizer


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