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I Really Need to Know
Follow along with the lyrics as you listen to the accompaniment with melody guide for I Really Need to Know.

I Really Need to Know is one of 10 songs from the song collection "A Jolly Bunch are We". Donna Rhodenizer and Andy Duinker have written these songs in a variety of styles and skill levels for singers from ages 5-12+.
Learn more about this fun collection for elementary-aged kids, choirs and solo vocal students.
Stream or Purchase I Really Need to Know from many streaming sites including:
Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Deezer.
The A Jolly Bunch Are We CD (Donna & Andy performance and instrumental) tracks (20) are available for download or physical CD on this website.
Try some spoken tongue twisters and sung tongue twisters to warm up before singing this song.
Introducing the song
Ask the students what they are curious about.
What things do they like to learn about?
Does anyone know any facts about the things listed in the verses of the song?
- Why/how do lightning bugs light up?
- What do the students know about dinosaurs?
- Can anyone share any information about stars or galaxies?
- What animals roar?
- What are some famous ships?
- Does anyone know any ships that are famous because they sank?
Expressive Singing
- Explore the lyrics of the song and discover what words to emphasize to create an expressive performance.
- Use clear diction and dynamic changes to create an expressive performance.
The 5 Ws
- Choose a topic and discover the answers to “who, what, where, when, and why” relating to that topic. Another question, not included in the song, is the question, “How”.
- Write a song, a poem or a story about your topic using the answers you have discovered.
Character Education
- How does curiosity affect what happens in our every day lives?
- How can curiosity help us learn?
- Is curiosity always a good thing?
- What are some things that have happened in our world because someone was curious?
Score Study
- Many accidentals have been included to create the melody of this song.
- Discuss how an accidental is used to change the pitch of a note.
- Provide students with the vocal score and find bars where accidentals have been added.
- Discuss which pitches are affected and sing those bars to see how the melody sounds.
- A one-page explanation of accidentals used in this song is provided in the Teaching Tips PDF download.
Download (pdf), print and have fun colouring this page while you listen to the song I Really Need to Know. Enjoy 35 more colouring pages when you get a "Top of the Class" Donna & Andy Membership.
I Really Need to Know
My students all know that I talk quickly and even when I try to slow down, it doesn’t last very long. When I get excited I can really get going! In addition to talking quickly, I also like tongue twisters and interesting word combinations. The idea for I Really Need to Know came when I was thinking about how it feels to say the 5 w’s: Who, what, where, when, why. The tricky word combination: “why did who did do what they did” also popped into my head and it seemed to me to be a fun group of words to navigate. The swinging style of the melody is a favourite feel I like to use when writing for young singers. It is cheery and it suits the natural rhythms that we use when speaking. That makes a song easier to sing and it feels very natural as well. It felt like the lyrics needed to examine things we might want to explore when asking all those questions. Andy & I wrote down some things we thought were interesting like lightning bugs and dinosaurs, stars and galaxies, world explorers in boats (with a reference hinting at those ships that were famous because they didn’t float!) and the verses fell into place. I categorize this type of song as a “list” song which is not my usual mode of writing. I usually write more story songs, but as a composer, I try not to turn down the creative ideas that come my way. After all, a list song is still a song!
I introduced this song to my school choir around 2011 and we sang it at a good clip with a tongue twister kind of vibe. Later, Andy and I were asked to submit a song for a commercial project and we tried this as a slower, swing style piece and that seemed to work well, so that is the style that we kept for the final version. Now you really know “who, what, where, when and why”!
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