Turn it Around


Action songs are a great way to get children moving, warmed up and engaged. Lean to the left, lean to the right and follow the rest of the instructions in the verses of this song. The chorus invites you to turn around and get ready for the instructions in the next verse. “That’s all you need to know!”

This song is a great way for students to learn to listen and follow instructions. Students may learn to sing the words, but it is more likely to remain a teacher-led movement activity creating a “brain break” for students. Use Turn it Around as a stand-alone movement song, or combine it with marches and other simple movement songs or dances to create a movement unit for your students.

Download Includes:

  • Vocal score
  • Director/piano score
  • Lyrics
  • Accompaniment – with melody guide
  • Accompaniment – piano
  • Bonus: Donna & Andy band – instrumental track
  • Bonus: Donna & Andy – performance track

Classroom / Studio License allows you, as a teacher, to share this copy with any number of your own students. Copies may not be shared with other teachers or non-students.
The intent of this license is to accommodate a vocal studio where one teacher has multiple students, and/or elementary school music programs where one teacher teaches multiple classes of students.

Turn it Around

Audio & Lyrics

These 2 Donna & Andy tracks are included in the download.

Turn it Around - song composed by Donna Rhodenizer - Lyrics

Teaching tips

Turn it Around can be used for a class game, a warm-up song, or even in a performance setting. 

Use Turn it Around  as a fun way to teach children to listen for instructions.

The original chorus gives the instruction to “turn it around”. Ask the students to suggest movements they would like to do in the chorus such as march it around, jump it around, swim it around, etc. Manipulating the elements of a song is a composing skill.

Alternate lyrics suggestions are provided for the verses of Turn it Around. It may be difficult to generate original words and actions that fit the rhyme scheme of the song, but students can be presented with all the options and they can choose which ones they will include in their version of the song. 

Performance suggestion

Include colourful scarves as part of a concert presentation, moving the scarves to reflect the directions that are being followed. 

Composer's Notes

There is documentation about musicians getting song ideas a they are doing repetitious tasks like driving, or doing dishes. The sound of the water in the shower or windshield wipers in the car also have the potential to inspire song ideas. I have experienced this many times, so I know there is truth to this theory. The song Turn it Around was written while I was driving but was inspired by another song (although I didn’t know it at the time). 

I had seen a video of a large outdoor concert featuring an Irish band. The band sang a simple song where the audience leaned left and right, forward and back as indicated in the song lyrics. The actions changed quickly from one thing to the next, but the crowd obviously had heard the song before and they did a great job keeping up. This was a very large outdoor gathering of adults and they were having a great time leaning and singing along with the band.

Some time later, I was driving along the highway and I started singing my own version of a “leaning” song. I quickly grabbed my phone to record the idea and I completed the song later when I arrived home. This song had its “world premiere” as part of an outdoor Donna & Andy concert we performed at a school for over 400 students. It was a good action song to include after they had been sitting for a few songs and they had a great time leaning and jumping, winking and turning around. Even the teachers joined in and had fun – which delighted the students even more. I know it is always good to keep a recording device or a paper and pencil close by when driving in a vehicle. That way I am prepared when a song needs to be written!

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Vocal Range

E4 – Bb4




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